Orange-flavored crepes layered with a light vanilla-pineapple cream stacked up into a wonderful cake. Dust with powdered sugar and top with orange segments...
This is a quickie dessert recipe I threw together for me and my significant other. It looks good and tastes great, with alternating layers of chocolate...
This easy to make and laziest dessert ever is liked by everyone. In Lithuania it's called "tinginys", which means "sloth". The recipe was passed down to...
Delicious and easy, this is a fabulous mix of berries and yogurt! If you like, you can make a thin layer of graham crackers or granola in each vanilla/berry...
My mother-in-law cooks this kesme helva whenever I want. This is a great dessert that you can have by the 5 PM tea. It melts in your mouth and you feel...
Yogurt, fresh berries, and a surprise ingredient give this dish a somewhat cheesecake-like flavor but with a fraction of the fat and calories. Let the...
What a fun dessert! A chocolate brownie crust is layered with creamy banana pudding, juicy fruit, and crunchy nuts in this banana split dessert pizza....
This is a great dessert and the perfect size for a dinner party. It's reminiscent of carrot cake, with the complementary flavors of pineapple and raisin,...
This is a quickie dessert recipe I threw together for me and my significant other. It looks good and tastes great, with alternating layers of chocolate...
This éclair cake is a very quick and simple no-bake dessert. It uses graham crackers and a pudding mixture. It tastes just like an éclair, but there...
Yogurt, fresh berries, and a surprise ingredient give this dish a somewhat cheesecake-like flavor but with a fraction of the fat and calories. Let the...
It sounds fancy, but budino simply means 'pudding' in Italian. This one is layered with shortbread crumbs and caramel, so if you dig deep, you get a sweet...
Yogurt, fresh berries, and a surprise ingredient give this dish a somewhat cheesecake-like flavor but with a fraction of the fat and calories. Let the...
Forget making breakfast every morning! Meal prep on Sunday and have breakfasts for the whole week! I like to use cinnamon-flavored graham crackers for...
Forget making breakfast every morning! Meal prep on Sunday and have breakfasts for the whole week! I like to use cinnamon-flavored graham crackers for...
It sounds fancy, but budino simply means 'pudding' in Italian. This one is layered with shortbread crumbs and caramel, so if you dig deep, you get a sweet...
This éclair cake is a very quick and simple no-bake dessert. It uses graham crackers and a pudding mixture. It tastes just like an éclair, but there...
Delicious and easy, this is a fabulous mix of berries and yogurt! If you like, you can make a thin layer of graham crackers or granola in each vanilla/berry...
I found this recipe a few years ago and have been making it ever since. It's really easy to make and best of all, you can use different flavored pudding...
I found this recipe a few years ago and have been making it ever since. It's really easy to make and best of all, you can use different flavored pudding...
Delicious and easy, this is a fabulous mix of berries and yogurt! If you like, you can make a thin layer of graham crackers or granola in each vanilla/berry...
Papayas stuffed with yogurt, raisins, strawberries, and walnuts are topped with honey. Choose ripe papayas with reddish-brown skin that is soft to the...
This is a quickie dessert recipe I threw together for me and my significant other. It looks good and tastes great, with alternating layers of chocolate...
This is a quickie dessert recipe I threw together for me and my significant other. It looks good and tastes great, with alternating layers of chocolate...
Yogurt, fresh berries, and a surprise ingredient give this dish a somewhat cheesecake-like flavor but with a fraction of the fat and calories. Let the...